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7, including Danny Ainge, Bobby Hurley, Jimmer Fredette and Darren Collison from last season. Labissiere is the 15th Kings player to don the No. 3, joining the likes of Randy Brown, Vernon Maxwell, Gerald Wallace and Shareef Abdur-Rahim. Hill becomes the 21st player in franchise history to wear the No. The addition of Hill forces a change for second-year big man Skal Labissiere, who swapped to No. 3 this season with Sacramento, like he has in his previous stops in San Antonio, Indiana and Utah. 10 has been worn by a Kings player, including legends Jack Twyman and Nate “Tiny” Archibald. 10, bringing back memories of former point guard Mike Bibby. The 68' forward played college basketball for the University of Connecticut before being drafted eighth overall in the 2006 NBA draft by the Houston Rockets he was traded to the Memphis Grizzlies days later. Counting Mason, Carter is the 27th Kings player to wear 15, including DeMarcus Cousins, who wore the number from 2011-2017. (born August 17, 1986) is an American professional basketball player for the Utah Jazz of the National Basketball Association (NBA). 15 in Sacramento, displacing rookie Frank Mason III. He’s also worn the number in stops in Toronto, New Jersey, Orlando, Phoenix and Memphis, with the only exception coming during his time Dallas, where he had to wear 25 because the Mavericks had retired Brad Davis’ No. 15 dating back to his time at North Carolina. Plenty of new faces have joined the roster and the influx of veteran talent has forced some players to make a change in number. The change from Adidas to Nike isn’t the only switch going on with the Sacramento Kings uniforms this season.

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